NAME: Hunter Andrix
SCHOOL: Benjamin Logan High School PARENTS: Jack Andrix & Sandy Benedum ADDRESS: Zanesfield School activities and awards: Football, Track, National Honor Society, BPA (Vice President), Student Government, FCA, Quiz Bowl, Sophomore Year Football Scout Player of the Year, All-Conference Academic Sports Team Awards, Ohio Governor's Merit Scholarship, and BPA State Qualifier for Personal Financial Management. If I were principal for a day: I would advocate for a mentorship program from the upperclassmen to the lower classmen for academics similar to how college tutors do, begin taking requests for movies to play during lunches, and propose the idea for a Benjamin Logan Gas Station providing daily transportation needs for students and teachers while generating revenue that could be put back into school programs, athletics, or scholarships!! Favorite school memory: It's extremely difficult to choose one favorite memory as I have made so many over the years; however, every time I am asked this question, I can never go wrong by choosing my 8th grade class with Mrs. Mitchell. People who have been an inspiration to me include: I think there's a lot of people that I take inspiration from, some specific individuals include: Mr. Fay, Coach Butler, Beau Harmon, and lots of my teachers, and some people outside of school are: athletes Kobe Bryant, and Hunter Reynolds, and businessman Warren Buffet. Lately, I have been reading: How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I can do it, you can do it by Mark Cuban My advice to parents: Encourage your children to do their best while also giving them space to grow. It is important to find a balance between offering support and guidance and understanding their challenges, and allowing independence. Let your child make some decisions for themself and build confidence in their own abilities. They're going to be adults soon after all. My biggest regret: Not joining more clubs earlier on in high school. There's plenty to choose from, pick one you're interested in and give it a shot, you may be surprised where it takes you! Next year I will be: Attending a four-year in-state university double majoring in Marketing and Sports Management/Administration, and potentially continuing my athletic career in football. YOU Matter. Call or Text 988. Mental Health, Drug & Alcohol Services Board of Logan and Champaign Counties (MHDAS) is here to remind you that no matter what you're facing—whether it's mental health challenges, emotional distress, or substance use—you are not alone. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline connects you with caring counselors who are ready to listen and help. Call or Text 988—because YOU matter, and we care. Not receiving our content regularly? Make sure to FOLLOW US on Facebook and SIGN UP to get weekly recaps sent directly to your inbox. Have something local to share? Submit your positive news for free HERE. Comments are closed.